Sunday, May 30, 2010

Arizona - What happens when you get a DUI?

What happens when you get a DUI? This is one of the most common questions asked to DUI lawyers. When you ask lawyers this question, you do not always get straight answers because each circumstance can be different. According to a website,, the most common penalties for first time DUI in Phoenix, Arizona are as followed.

- $250 fine, can be as high as $2500 plus surcharges
- Spend a day in jail, Maybe longer depending on the seriousness of the charge
- Get probation usually for one year, but possibly for up to five years
- Submit to a drug/alcohol evaluation
- Your driver's license suspended for a minimum of 90 days

So what is the ramification of Getting a DUI in Phoenix, Arizona?

First off – getting a DUI will definably cost you money, no matter how you slice it. Your First offense will be $250 - $2500 plus local fees, penalties and assessments for total of $1300 - $3500. Now this does not include any lawyers fees –which can be from $500.00 to $15,000 depending on if you’re in a small town or large metro area like Phoenix, Arizona. Generally speaking the more experienced the lawyer (and you do want an experienced lawyer) the more it will cost.

There are social headaches of getting a DUI as well. A charge of DUI/DWI can have serious ramifications on a defendant's driver's license, criminal record and ability to work and function in society. Some employers may decline in hiring someone because of a felony level DUI. Jail time can put a huge dent on any commitment you are due to keep while you are still incarnated

So ask yourself before getting behind the wheel after drinking if it’s really worth it. Based on the above, be safe – not sorry and take a cab ride home which is downright cheap.

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